Fear Field Haunted Trail

71320 Center Street
Saint Clairsville, OH
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A SCARY, GUT-WRENCHING, HEART-POUNDING experience is waiting for you this September and October in the woods.
The Story / The Legend:
In a small town just minutes from the city folk lived a group of people in the woods. They lived in ran down shacks in the woods next to the creek. Food was never a issue. They hunted and fish right were they lived. There is lots of live animals on the property, like snakes, spiders, bats, wild bores and a wolf...
Some of them hilljacks have missing teeth, arms, hair and a smell so bad you could say thats what death smells like. Everytime someone comes up missing thats the 1st place the cops would look. Just because they have lots of bones laying around doesn't meen they are from the missing ones. but who's to say they're not...
When it came to strangers snooping around it would make them very angry.
Just know this They don't what you there and I promise.........
They going to get getcha!!!!
We dare you to come!