Nightmare On Chicago Street

Chicago Street, Between Douglas And Villa
Elgin, IL
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The city of Elgin calls for help to battle the zombie horde, and citizens come from all over to help fortify our downtown. Be safe, be prepared, and we’ll see you in the “Safe Zone” of Nightmare on Chicago Street.
Save the city!!!
The safe zone will be under heavy military control this year in order to keep everyone safe from the infection. Once again, in order to stay alive, you need to proceed to Nightmare on Chicago Street (enter the safe zone through the gates at Spring Street, Douglas Avenue, Grove Avenue or Fulton Street) in order to maintain all human survival.
Chicago Street from Douglas to Villa will be sanctioned as the SAFE ZONE.
We cannot guarantee that the safe zone will be maintained in an orderly manner.
As with all viral infections that occur, some people will undoubtedly FREAK OUT and destroy some of the businesses and buildings in the safe zone.
Expect some of the businesses to be boarded up, trash everywhere, burning tires, some of the left over cars may be damaged and overturned, as well as ZOMBIES being caged up. Do not fear! Your safety is guaranteed by military presence, concerned citizens and our Zombie Defense Initiative. Some of the businesses will be open for you to get food, shelter (YWCA Warming Station), medical treatment (an ambulance will be there with doctors on hand), and many more food and drink stations throughout the safe zone.