Night Terrors Haunted Woods Walk

We are not hosting Night Terrors Haunted Woods Walk this Halloween season, but we will continue our Zombie Zip tradition!
Join us to go zip lining with zombies through the night sky. These condensed tours are not for the faint of heart as you climb and zip line through the dark. Tours last approx. 30 minutes and include all gear, equipment and a glow stick. Celebrate Halloween with a new adventure!
Night Terrors Haunted Woods Walk is the Seacoast’s Premier Haunted Halloween Attraction. Our eerie and expansive location is not for weak of heart. Daring to delve deeper and deeper into the winding woods, what will you find? Or, should we say... what will find YOU ?!
Haunted Woods Walk with over a half mile of screams and scares! Experience dares and scares, Zip Line with Zombies, and more.